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United States Apostille provides a complete apostille guide for all 50 State offices and  the US Department of State in Washington D.C. We aim to educate the public about apostille procedures and how to certify documents from each state.   Our guide contains apostille information including fees, processing time, special instructions about document preparation, and information about expedited services. Additionally, United States Apostille explains how you can submit your documents to the appropriate authority.


from your state

alabama $5 5 days
alaska $5 2 days
arizona $3 10 days
arkansas $10 2 days
california $20 1 day
colorado $5 7 days
connecticut $40 1 day
delaware $30 1 day
districtofcolumbia $15 3 days
florida $10 5 days
georgia $3 2 days
hawaii $1 7 days
idaho $10 1 day
illinois $2 7 days
indiana $2 3 days
iowa $5 2 days
kansas $7.5 5 days
kentucky $5 3 days
louisiana $20 3 days
maine $10 3 days
maryland $5 2 days
massachusetts $6 20 days
michigan $1 14 days
minnesota $5 2 days
mississippi $5 2 days
missouri $10 2 days
montana $10 5 days
nebraska $10 1 day
nevada $20 1 day
newhampshire $10 2 days
newjersey $25 15 days
newmexico $3 1 day
newyork $10 4 days
northcarolina $10 5 days
northdakota $10 3 days
ohio $5 3 days
oklahoma $25 1 day
oregon $10 3 days
pennsylvania $15 5 days
puertorico $3 1 day
rhodeisland $5 1 day
southcarolina $5 2 days
southdakota $25 1 day
tennessee $2 3 days
texas $15 10 days
utah $15 5 days
vermont $10 1 day
virginisland $25 3 days
virginia $10 5 days
washington $15 7 days
westvirginia $25 2 days
wisconsin $10 5 days
wyoming $10 1 day

Business documents

One day Apostille
$50 Read more

issued in the state of Maryland by

United states apostille

35 B. days 20 B.days
FBI background check $20 $62
FDA Docs (CFG, ...) $20 $62
USPTO (trademark) $20 $62
Other types of federal docs $20 $62

Expedited Business Doc. Legalization

For Non Hague Countries



processing time: 6 b.days



processing time: 26 b.days



processing time: 24 b.days



processing time: 6 b.days



processing time: 27 b.days



processing time: 26 b.days



processing time: 34 b.days

Sri Lanka


processing time: 27 b.days



processing time: 9 b.days



processing time: 31 b.days



processing time: 29 b.days

Price is based on federal documents, or certified by a state.

Embassy Legalization

Show Hague countries
Afghanistan Afghanistan $125
Algeria Algeria$75
Angola Angola$150
Bangladesh Bangladesh $44
Benin Benin$100
Burkina Faso Burkina Faso$0
Burundi Burundi$40
Cambodia Cambodia $100
Cameroon Cameroon$10
Canada Canada$40
Chad Chad$75
Congo Democratic Congo Democratic$500
Congo Republic Congo Republic$200
Cote DIvoire Cote DIvoire$3
Cuba Cuba$300
Egypt Egypt $125
Eritrea Eritrea$45
Ethiopia Ethiopia$95
Ghana Ghana $50
Guinea Guinea$200
Haiti Haiti $25
Indonesia Indonesia $125
Iran Iran$66
Iraq Iraq$160
Jordan Jordan$84
Kenya Kenya $50
Kuwait Kuwait$25
Laos Laos $100
Lebanon Lebanon$225
Libya Libya$100
Madagascar Madagascar $1
Malaysia Malaysia$5
Mali Mali$10
Mauritania Mauritania$60
Mozambique Mozambique$180
Myanmar Myanmar$15
Nepal Nepal $25
Niger Niger$40
Nigeria Nigeria$50
Palestine Palestine$200
Qatar Qatar $41
Rwanda Rwanda $30
Sierra Leone Sierra Leone$100
South Sudan South Sudan$600
Sri Lanka Sri Lanka$50
Sudan Sudan$604
Taiwan Taiwan $23
Tanzania Tanzania$200
Thailand Thailand$15
Togo Togo$60
Tunisia Tunisia$110
Turkmenistan Turkmenistan$50
UAE UAE $600
Uganda Uganda$50
Vietnam Vietnam $70
Yemen Yemen $120
Zambia Zambia $45